Miitopia initially released on the 3DS in 2016-2017. You can find the 3DS version's page here. However, in 2021, Miitopia recieved an upgraded HD port on the Nintendo Switch, featuring a new highly advanced makeup and wig editor for Miis, horses as a new party member, and more. But, most importantly for the Mii Library, with this Switch version was the inclusion of default Miis to be set for just about every role in the game, aside from party members. On top of these new default Miis, every Mii that was in Miitopia (3DS) is also present here. In April 2021, a free demo version of the game was released, which contained all the Miis and names of Miis in the game's files, but due to only allowing players to explore a portion of the game in this demo version, most of the Miis go unused. It also included some high quality renders of monsters and Mii faces in the ending video promoting the full game.