Dudley originally appeared as the default Mii for Greenhorne Town's Dubious Mayor role in the demo for Miitopia (Switch). He later appeared in the full game. His Mii data file can be found in \cmn\storedata\npc_default_mii.sarc > Town00_Mayor.charinfo. The role's internal name is Town00_Mayor. His Mii name in his Mii data file is ちょうちょうk ("town mayor k"). His height is set to 47/127 and his build is set to 127/127. His Mii ID is as follows: 09 ED 79 54 28 AD 4A E5 94 B0 D0 0E FF F4 8A 38 His Mii data file does not contain any unused data.
US English: Dudley (Pun on the word "dud", meaning "useless") US French: Duchnoc (Pun on the French slang "duchnock", someone who is clumsy or awkward) US Spanish: Armando (Pun on the Spanish word "mando", meaning "command" or "control", referencing his power as mayor) EU English: Doofus (Word meaning "foolish" or "dumb") EU French: Duchnoc(Same as US French name) EU Spanish: Armando(Same as US Spanish name) EU German: Phobius EU Italian: Peppino (Italian word meaning a small or insignificant person, as the Dubious Mayor is indeed dubious) EU Dutch: Fobian JP Japanese: ヘターレ ("Hetaare", pun on the Japanese word "heta" (へた), meaning "incompetent") KR Korean: Dudley(Same as US English name) CN Chinese: Dudley(Same as US English name) TW Chinese: Dudley(Same as US English name)